Posts tagged photojournalist
Maternal Harm for USA TODAY

The United States maternal death rate is among the highest in the developed world. Eighteen states haven't studied these deaths and others tend to blame moms. This assignment, to photograph and interview Nathan Butler, played a role in a larger project, Deadly Deliveries, launched by USA TODAY to investigate why thousands of moms are needlessly injured, and some die, giving birth every year in the U.S.

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Columbine for Education Week

Visitors read the raised bronze letters of the Columbine Memorial plaques in whispers, asking questions to God, survivors, the community, and each other.

The confusion still hangs in the air, blending with the sounds of current events. They ring in your ears as you run your hand along the rough red sandstone wall built into the side of a hill where students once gathered before football games, after class, and in times of joy.

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The historic Denver neighborhood of Whittier is northeast of the rapidly growing downtown. By standards of cities in the American West, it’s old. The first residential housing was built around 1890 and borrows the name from Whittier Elementary School, the original building now mostly demolished, rebuilt, and redesigned in 1970.

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